יום שבת, 15 בספטמבר 2012

When children grow up and turn into teenagers they naturally ask for more independency(ww.-independence). They want to go out to different places, stay away from home and many more(ww.- have other) requests. Parents, on the other hand, don't always agree to all(ww.-everything) their children want. From this point of disagreement between children and parents the way to an argument is very short. No one likes to argue, so why does in(ww.) happening(gr.)?
I think it happens because of the generation gap between the parents and the teenagers. Nowadays, teenagers go out all the time, unlike their parents who tended to stay home when they were young. This generation gap causes misunderstandings and confusion between teenagers and parents. For example, my relationship with my parents suffers from this generation gap, too, especially when I ask to go out on Friday nights.
In addition, arguments between teenagers and their parents may happen because the parents are too concerned about their children. Parents always try to protect their children. However, sometimes they are worried without a reason and it makes their children frustrated. This is exactly what happens with my parents. When I ask to go out sometimes they say, "This place isn't for children your age" while I know there are children  my age, who go to those places.
To conclude, arguments between parents and teenagers are a known phenomenon, which almost every teenager has experienced. I think that the arguments can be prevented by making an organized list of things the teenagers are allowed to do and things they aren't allowed. In worse cases I recommend the family to see a psychologist.


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