יום שבת, 1 בספטמבר 2012

 There are many different ways to do sports. You can jump, run, kick, throw and swim. All the mentioned activities are divided into two different groups: team sports and individual sports. Usually team sports, like football and basketball, are the more popular and individual sports, like tennis and marathon running, are the more prestigious ones, therefore different people prefer different sports.- Very good opening!

In my opinion, individual sports are superior to team sports, because when you do some kind of sport alone, all the  responsibility is yours and there is no one who can let you down and hamper your chances to win. As a result of that, I think that naturally, individual athletes are more responsible for their lives than athletes who play in a group since they are used to cope(gr.-coping) with pressure alone. For example, there are many footballers who are in financial difficulties although they earn millions of dollars, because they aren't responsible for their personal life.

In addition, individual sports are more exhausting than team sports. This makes them more dramatic and more interesting to watch. I think that watching one person struggling so hard to achieve his aim makes individual sports interesting and thrilling. For example, a tennis player who tries to hit the ball back to his opponent and activates a lot of muscles in this strike is a very dramatic scene to watch. On the other hand, in team sports the effort of the game is divided between all the members of the team.

In conclusion, I prefer individual sports rather than team sports because they teach responsibility and are more dramatic. Nevertheless, I love both kinds of sports and recommend to everyone who can, to engage in sports on a regular basis, either individual sports or team sports.


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