יום ראשון, 4 בנובמבר 2012

1 King David Street
November 3, 2012
The Editor
2 King Solomon Street
Tel Aviv

Dear Editor,
I have recently read the letter of Jeffrey Hartmann about the article "Righting a Wrong" and I'd like to reply it. The writer thinks that discrimination against women is outdated and groundless. I agree with his opinion and I'd like to give it my own view.

In the past men were managing the world while women were responsible for raising the children. It was accepted because everyone believed that men are superior to women in all aspects. Today, however, women are equal to men in most aspects and even superior in some. Therefore, women shouldn't be prevented from filling in jobs which were only for men in the past.

In addition, discrimination of any kind is against the law. Nowadays, most countries believe in equality for all the people in the country and enact laws to promise the equality between the residents. I am quite far from being an activist for women rights, but as a rational man, who believes in equality, I think that women should get all the rights which men get.

To conclude, this is disappointing that there are people with an old fashion attitude for women. I recommend those people to read some books on the subject of women rights and explore the subject. Then they may get a rational view about the subject and act accordingly. Discrimination on the basis of gender is a negative phenomenon which should be denounced of the modern society.

Sincerely yours,

Yoav Levi.

I'm sorry to say, that in addition to not very great phrasing, you totally missed the point of the letter you were supposed to relate to in this task. Read it again and rewrite your letter to the editor today. I can't grade your work as it is now.

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