יום ראשון, 25 במרץ 2012

Facing A Dilemma

A dilemma is a big problem, which has some influence on the person's life. When you are facing a dilemma you should consider all the options and think seriously about each option's consequences. I had to face a dilemma myself in(ww.-at) the beginning of the last school year.

I started the 10th grade in a class (in) which I could learn programming and technology, subjects I find very interesting. However, the atmosphere in(ww.-during) the lessons was horrible. Therefore, I thought about moving to another class. I consulted with my friends, my parents, my big brothers and my teachers. I had to consider the subjects I wanted to study and the atmosphere in the class.

Finally, I came to a conclusion that I can(gr.-couldn't) study in a class which(ww.-where) studying is(gr.) impossible and decided to move to another class. Looking back, I don’t regret the decision I made because in my new class I met new friends and still can study some of the subjects I (have) wanted to learn.

If I had made a different choice I think that I would focus(gr.-have focused) my energies on trying to study something I like without succeeding, because of the bad atmosphere. The result would have been good, but the process would be(gr.-have been) tiring and not much fun. Facing a dilemma can be very disturbing, however, some time later it is satisfying to know that you had made the right decision.

Better. Well done!

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