יום רביעי, 30 בנובמבר 2011

There was a problem with uploading the task as a blog so here is a link for downloading the task.

I checked you work. Your grade is 93. I sent your work to your mail: omrizohar1995@gmail.com

Activity 5:

The story brings up general themes through some specific examples.

Write the number of the theme next to its matching example:

עמודה ראשונה
                                  עמודה שנייה

Living in a multicultural society.
            1.   Growing up.

Coping with   difficulties.
            2.   Being an immigrant.

Taking responsibility.
            3.   Proper Education

Why is the story titled "A Summer's Reading"?
The story was titled "Summer's Reading" because reading means studying and George studies about his life in the hard way. The studying happened in the summer, although George didn't read any books in the summer. The real studying was the understanding that he can't(gr.-couldn't) lie to be really happy.(20)

Summer's Reading- Activity No. 6

October 29, 1938
Dear Mr. Cattanzara,
You are probably surprised to get a letter from me more than two years after I left New York. But I felt that I should(ww.-had to) write to you, since the big change in my life happened because of you. I want to tell you a little bit about what (has) happened to me in the last ten years, since that summer.

 Do you remember that summer? In those days I understood how I should manage my life. Because of you, I understood that there are(gr.-were) no shortcuts to happiness. After that summer, I read everyday a book in the library. I did so, for about a year. After that, I worked for two years in the cafeteria where Sophie worked, in order to earn some money. Then, I started to work in the library, where I was(ww.-spent) everyday anyway. Step by step, book by book, I studied more and more until I became a librarian. I met a lot of people and learned something new everyday. About two years ago I recived(sp.) an offer from my friend in Miami, he asked me to be a manager in a huge library in the middle(ww.) of the city. I took the job and now I am the manager of the municipal library of Miami.
This is my story.  You have a big part in it and I wanted you to know that.

I'll write you soon again,

Very good.

יום שבת, 12 בנובמבר 2011

Writing Task no. 2

Everybody loves what it wears. This is a common assumption by a big part of our society. From Castro T-shirts to Puma shoes for men and H&M to Dolce & Gabbana cloyhes for women. All the products of these companies sure are pretty, but does it influence the way we feel and behave?

In my opinion, what we wear influences the way we behave, although it definitely shouldn't. The way we look generally and what we wear specifically bothers us every time we are about to go outside. That happens because people are judged by their appearance. For example, people will treat with more respect to someone who wears a suit and a tie rather than someone who wears a T-shirt and shorts.

In addition, the clothes we wear influence our self image. People tend to believe that the clothes make the man. Pretty clothes can give a man some feelings he doesn't feel usually, such as: self confidence, uniqueness and attractiveness. Moreover, brand names make us feel some kind of supremacy over the people around us. These are the definite proves that the clothes do make the man.

In conclusion, clothes influence our feeling and behaving, but we have to remember that we should we wear clothes which appropriate to our identity, since we are judged by our clothes.
Everyone loves what it(ww.) wears(What does this sentence mean?). This is a common assumption by a big part of our society. From Castro T-shirts to Puma shoes for men and H&M to Dolce & Gabbana clothes for women. All the products of these companies sure are pretty, but does it influence the way we feel and behave?

In my opinion, what we wear influences the way we behave, although it definitely shouldn't. The way we look generally, and what we wear specifically, bothers us every time we are about to go out. That happens because people are judged by their appearance. For example, people will treat with more respect to(מיותר) someone who wears a suit and a tie rather than someone who wears a T-shirt and shorts.

In addition, the clothes we wear influence our self image. People tend to believe that the clothes make the man. Pretty clothes can give a man some feelings he doesn't feel usually, such as, self confidence, uniqueness and attractiveness. Moreover, brand names make us feel some kind of supremacy over the people around us. These are the definite proves that the clothes do make the man.

In conclusion, clothes influence our feeling and behaving(ww.-behavior), but we have to remember that we should wear clothes which(are) appropriate to our identity, since we are judged by our clothes.

Excellent work! I liked it.

יום שבת, 17 בספטמבר 2011

Myself- Omri Zohar

I'm Omri Zohar, the fourth child in guite a big family, which includes 7 children. I'm an eleventh grader in Kugel high school in Holon.  I was born in 1995 which means I'm 16. Although I'm so young, I have a permanent job in Luna park, Tel Aviv. Don't worry about it, it doesn't effect my grades, because I work only on holydays vacations.

In my opinion, I'm not so handsome, but I'm satisfied with my physical appearance. I look kind of like this: I have short brown hair, big brown eyes and a round face. My height is about 1 meter and 74 cm, an average height for a boy  my age. I have wide shoulders and strong legs.

I'm a busy boy thanks to the full schedule in school and my other activities. I love sports  very much, especially basketball and soccer, which I play with my friends any chance I have.  I also go to the soccer games of my favorite club, Maccabi Tel Aviv, with my father and my brothers.  I'm a nice and friendly person, who can talk with anyone about everything. Some people would say I'm a little shy, but I try to improve this point.

To conclude, I'm a simple boy who has to face his own problems with his own energy. But who doesn't have to? I'm just like everyone else.

Why haven't you corrected your work??? You are required to do so even when you get a good grade. Please correct your work and make it excellent!
